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Candice Lelievre

Wake up your health with chiropractic

Chiropractic improve the quality of life

Chiropractic :
Chiropractic center Nice

Chiropractic is a primary care medical profession based on a comprehensive approach to the functioning of the human body and the relationships between the spine, the nervous system and certain health disorders.

Chiropractic is the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dysfunctions of the neuro-musculoskeletal system that may be of chemical, physical or emotional origin.

Relying on the innate healing potential of each living Being, the chiropractor detects and corrects, through painless manipulation and mobilization, joint blockages and neurological interference that prevent good transmission of messages between the brain, spinal cord and rest of the body.

It thus liberates the nervous system, soothes pain and restores mobility of the joints.

It is a natural, non-medicinal response, both preventive and curative, allowing optimal functioning of the body.

Chiropractic can treat many ailments such as low back pain, sciatica, disc hernia, cervicalgia, migraine, vertigo or joint pain.

2 rue d'Angleterre

06000 Nice

Phone : 07 81 80 76 84

To whom ?

Certain periods of life, certain professions or certain sports are conducive to the overuse of joints and muscles or the adoption of unappropriate gestures and postures.

Chiropracteur Nice - Candice Lelievre - Chiropraxie
Chiropracteur Nice - Candice Lelievre - Chiropraxie
Chiropracteur Nice - Candice Lelievre - Chiropraxie
Chiropracteur Nice - Candice Lelievre - Chiropraxie

Pregnant women :

With pregnancy leading to many physiological, emotional and structural changes, chiropractic supports you in these changes to improve your quality of life and serenely consider childbirth.

Children and new borns :

Childbirth, motor development, walking, falls, carrying a backpack and growing up are all stress and changes that chiropractic offers you support and supports from an early age in order to promote the good locomotor development of your child.

Adults and seniors :

Daily stress, bad gestures, unappropriate postures, tiredness, trauma, diet, social and family conditions, the body naturally tends to wear out and become fragile face to these stresses, it is so necessary to treat the various evils and to limit the stiffness. Chiropractic ensures and maintains the overall functioning of your body.

Athletes :

Repetitive shocks, stiffness, bad gestures, accumulation of poorly treated injuries, chiropractic improves muscle and joint recovery, prevents and treats injuries, optimizes performance.

Chiropractic is recommended for all ages, to persons who wish to regain a good health and persons who wish to remain so.

Le Yoga Hatha Flow :

Un cours explorant les principes du Hatha Yoga : l’UNION du corps, du mental et de l’esprit grâce à des postures classiques, les asanas, une mise en pratique de la respiration consciente, les pranayamas, la relaxation et la méditation, dhyana. 

L’approche douce et progressive permet à chacun, débutants comme plus expérimentés, une pratique adaptée à ses propres besoins et possibilités.

Les exercices de hatha yoga sont à la fois relaxants et stimulants.


Le Hatha yoga trouve son origine dans des textes anciens, les yoga sutras de Patanjali.

Les nombreux bienfaits du yoga : 

  • apporte plus d’énergie et de bien-être

  • calme le mental pour un esprit plus clair

  • détend et renforce le corps

  • améliore la souplesse et la mobilité

  • améliore l’équilibre et la coordination

  • disparition des problèmes de dos et de postures

  • aide à une meilleure gestion du stress

  • meilleure qualité de sommeil


À très vite sur le tapis.

  • Chiropracteur Nice Candice Lelievre
  • Chiropracteur Nice Candice Lelievre
  • Chiropracteur Nice Candice Lelievre

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